Types of Press Releases to Enhance Marketing Strategy – iCrowdNewswire
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Types of Press Releases to Enhance Marketing Strategy

different types of press releases

Press releases are written to make the world aware of what is going on in an organization. Any news which needs to be announced can be done through a press release. Just like news can be distinguished into different categories, press releases through which any news is announced can be written in several different ways. The basic format of an effective press release remains the same but for different types, some minor changes exist here and there. The purpose of this blog is to briefly discuss the most common types of press releases and how to write them.

1. Event Announcement Press Release

Event Announcement Press Release

One of the most common types of press release that are regularly issued by every organization is written for event announcements. If you are hosting, attending, or even sponsoring an event in a nearby time period, event press releases are used to announce them.

The major reason why such a press release is written is that every organization wants maximum media attention on their event. Through a press release, the presence of all media personalities and journalists can be increased rapidly. It should contain all the information which is required by a person reading the press release to attend the event.

How to Write It?

Explain the five W’s.  This should be the first portion of the press release as it covers all the major news.

  • 1. What will happen in the event?
  • 2. Who will be a part of the event?
  • 3. Why is the event happening?
  • 4. When is the event happening?
  • 5. Where is the event happening?
  • 6. Clearly define the address of the event. Mention any signup applications, tickets, or other formalities required to attend that event.

2.Partnership Announcement Press Release

Partnership Announcement Press Release

You have formed a new partnership with an organization. It could be in the form of a merger or even an acquisition. Major changes are bound to happen within the organization as soon as the partnership becomes active. These changes need to be announced through a partnership announcement press release, which is also a pretty common inclusion in the list of types of press release.

A well-written partnership announcement press releases removes any confusions that may arise in the minds of stakeholders. Journalists prefer to extract this information and present it to the people so they can form views about the organization. This is why it is important to mention the perks and benefits which are attached to a new partnership.

How to Write It?

  • 1. Like every press release, the first paragraph should contain the answer to the five W’s.
  • 2. What is the cause of the partnership?
  • 3. Why was there a need for this partnership in the organization?
  • 4. Who was directly affected by the partnership?
  • 5. When did it take place?
  • 6. Where has the partnership taken place?
  • 7. Mention a positive quote from the executives of both organizations.

3. New Product/Service Press Release

New Product/Service Press Release

This is one of the most common kinds of press releases. An organization that is announcing a product launch or service should do so through a product press release. It should include why there was a need for it in the industry. A clear mention of how it is different from the competitors should be mentioned as well. By clearly mentioning each benefit and distinguishing factors of the service or product, journalists can easily pick up and identify the important news.

How to Write It?

  • 1. Mention the answer to five W’s in the first paragraph to grab the attention of the journalist reading the press release.
  • 2. What is the product or service?
  • 3. Who created it?
  • 4. When was the product or service launched?
  • 5. Why was there a need for this product or service?
  • 6. Where is the product or service being provided?
  • 7. Mention any discount coupon or code that is being offered.
  • 8. Include a quote from any executive related to the product or service launch.


Also Read: Distinguishing Between Press Releases and Advertising

4. Rebranding Press Release

Rebranding Press Release

Sometimes, an organization decides to change its corporate image. This means that they want to create a fresh perspective on their organization. One of the most effective ways of communicating about the new and modified image of the organization to the world can be done by publishing a rebranding press release.

Through this press release, journalists can easily understand what is going on in the organization and they can raise awareness in the public about it. This form of rebranding presentation reduces the hostility that may build up against the organization by the public.

How to Write It?

  • 1. In the first paragraph, answer all the questions of 5 W’s to introduce the rebranding idea and remove any confusion in the minds of journalists and stakeholders.
  • 2. What was the thought process used to accomplish this rebranding process?
  • 3. Why was there a need for the rebranding process?
  • 4. Who was involved in the process?
  • 5. When will the process of rebranding be completed?
  • 6. Where will the company lie in the industry after rebranding is completed?
  • 7. Mention a quote from an executive regarding how the rebranding process will help the organization grow and create more value in the industry.

5. New Business Press Release

New Business Press Release

If the organizations are successful in one of their businesses, it is likely they would like to expand their business portfolio and start another one. When a new business is started, it is important to make an announcement about it through a press release.

Every business has some loyal customers. When journalists pick up the news of a same organization starting a new business from the press release, they immediately circulate this news in their network. People get to know about your business and potential customers start to increase rapidly.

How to Write It?

  • 1. In the first paragraph, answer all the questions of 5 W’s to introduce the new business.
  • 2. What is the new business about?
  • 3. Why did the organization decide to start this business?
  • 4. When will the new business start?
  • 5. Where will it be situated?
  • 6. Who will be managing and overlooking the business.
  • 7. Mention a quote from senior management who started the business to increase the legitimacy of the business.

6. SaaS Company Press Release

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is something that has taken off in the current times, and that is because the SaaS business model is considered a win-win. Customers don’t end up paying too much for a software, which is a big selling point for SaaS companies. Either way, a press release for a SaaS company is very much like a press release that would come from any software company, for that matter. Just the text would reflect that the software is of the SaaS persuasion, not anything else. 

Your SaaS company press release should make ample mention of all the pertinent details that are relevant; to what audience it is being sent out, and for what purpose is the press release being sent out. All of these details and some more will be mentioned below, which will essentially guide you through the process of writing a press release for a SaaS company. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by introducing your company, what it does. 
  • 2. Introduce your SaaS software, what it does. 
  • 3. Include your big projects or famous clients.
  • 4. Write why this press release is being released. 
  • 5. Answer all the 5 W’s.
  • 6. Include all the contact details (email, numbers, addresses)
  • 7. Include quotes, use proper formatting for the press release.

7. IT Company Press Release

IT Company Press Release

Most of the press releases published today come from the healthy chunk of companies that identify as IT companies or working in the IT sector. This being one of the biggest sectors in the world right now, it’s easy to see why the most-read press releases are from companies like Apple, Amazon, or other software or hardware companies. And their press releases are something that are borne out of necessity: we all know Twitter could do the same job even better. But that’s just how press releases go.

Writing an IT company press release is quite simple actually: all press releases follow a single format, and IT companies are no different. There is always a reason as to why a press release is being released, and IT companies with their schedules, product releases and news are always in the process of issuing one. Here’s how to write an IT company press release.

How to write it?

  • 1. Introduce your company, introduce your specialisation (hardware, software)
  • 2. Explain the reasons for issuing the press release (product launch, personnel news)
  • 3. Make sure to include quotes
  • 4. Start with a catchy headline, end with a quote.
  • 5. Include all the relevant contact details. 
  • 6. Follow the proper formatting points.

8. BPO Press Release

BPO Press Release

BPO’s are companies that specialise in a single aspect of running a business that has been outsourced by the primary corporation. Known as a business process outsourcing company, BPO’s are typically companies that take on the outsourced work of an aspect of the company’s operations that the company themselves doesn’t have the resources for, or simply cant be bothered with. 

As such, you might expect BPO press releases to be something of a niche-specific thing, and yes, as far as specifics go, it is pretty specific. But the formatting and the rest of the particulars stay the same as with press releases: what’s different is that since you’re a BPO company now, you’ve got to state that part as well. Here’s how you can write it. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Introduce your company. 
  • 2. What aspect of BPO do you provide services for (IT, personnel management etc)
  • 3. Mention any customers or notable projects.
  • 4. Include all the relevant information for issuing a press release
  • 5. Complete contact information should be prominent.

9. NPO Press Release

NPO Press Release

An NPO, much like an NGO, is an organisation that isn’t bound by the traditional profiteering rules, and is instead, a non-profit organisation that serves a cause or charity rather than providing for the profits of the owner of an organisation. An NPO, therefore, is an entity that is usually treated with more reverence as it is doing an honourable thing by striving for those less fortunate than others. 

Writing a press release for an NPO isn’t much different than what you’d normally read or write for any other establishment, but there are certain aspects that need to be taken care of when you’re writing for a non-profit organisation, one that doesn’t conform to the regular business practices or hasn’t been the target of some anti-big corporation loony. 

How to write it:

  • 1. Start by introducing the NPO, name and all.
  • 2. Give a brief introduction, touch on some things the NPO has done. 
  • 3. Announce whatever needs to be done through the press release. 
  • 4. Keep the press release brief and concise. 
  • 5. Include an interesting quote.
  • 6. Conclude by including all relevant contact information.

10. Tech/Start-ups Press Release

Tech/Start-ups Press Release

Start-ups today are getting more and more revolutionary, looking for ways to maximise engagement using unconventional means that cost less at the same time. So, press releases issued by them are usually unconventional in the sense that they don’t necessarily follow the given format.

Tech or a press release for a start-up will essentially follow the same trajectory as they would for a normal press release, but with a start-up, there’s always the element of announcement or surprise that needs to be followed. And so, here’s a few steps on how to write a tech/ start-up press release.

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by introducing your company, name and logo.
  • 2. Explain a little history, what inspired the creation of the start-up.
  • 3. Delve deeper into what is it that you’re bringing to the market that’s new.
  • 4. Include details about when it will be launching or getting released etc.
  • 5. End by giving your contact information.
  • 6. Include additional information that would be useful for a person interacting with the release.

11. Company News Press Release

company news press release

A lot of what goes around in the company isn’t supposed to be shared in the form of a press release, but the important bits will all require you to get a press release out. For instance, the hiring of a new CEO, an addition to the board of directors or really anything that you want the people to know, you can get a press release out for that very purpose. 

A company news press release will always focus on the news; this is because of the assumption that if you have a news of that magnitude, chances are, you’re a company that doesn’t need a hefty introduction. And so, your press release will focus exclusively on the news. Here’s how you can write it. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by introducing your company.
  • 2. In the second paragraph, give the news of the company.
  • 3. Follow up by expounding a little on the news, history etc. 
  • 4. Include all contact information.
  • 5. Also include a quote that’s relevant to the news or the company.

12. Press Release for Digital Marketing Strategy

Press Release for Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing press releases are context-specific; so much so that if you are taking out a press release as part of your digital marketing strategy, you will need to make sure that the audience you select for distribution actually knows what a press release is. Otherwise, your whole digital marketing strategy can be a dud. 

A press release for digital marketing strategy is written much like you would write a regular press release, only this time around, your press release should reflect the way you’re aiming to go for with your digital marketing strategy. If such a strategy that you have chosen does include a press release, here’s how you can go about writing it. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by drafting a basic press release.
  • 2. Include all information that might be pertinent. 
  • 3. Use quotes wherever applicable. 
  • 4. Start off with a good headline. 
  • 5. Make sure the language you use is acceptable with whatever demographic you’re aiming for.  
  • 6. End with all contact information.

13. Press Release for Medical Industry

Press Release for Medical Industry

The medical industry uses press releases for a lot of purposes, all of which are shared with a lot of other industries. So, if you were looking for anything out of the ordinary for the medical industry, well, there isn’t. But a medical press release does have a few stand-out points, which will be mentioned in the points below. 

A medical press release will usually inform about an event that could be happening, a breakthrough medical invention, or a press release that could be informing of an emergency or a disease breakout. Anyone of these topics could be the reason why a press release has been issued, and so, here’s how you can write it. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by mentioning the name of the hospital, lab or clinic the release has been issued by. 
  • 2. Include the point-of-contact’s information regarding the content of the release. 
  • 3. State the reason for issuing the press release. 
  • 4. Expound on the details of why the press release was issued. 
  • 5. End by including all the relevant contact details one might need for the release.

14. Music Press Release

Music Press Release

A music press release is a release that relates to any purpose one might have in the recording industry. For instance, whenever a new artist is signed to a label or an entirely new label is launched, the parent company might issue a press release to let the people know what to expect from the new artist now or what the new label will be showcasing in terms of talent and new sounds. Or it might be to commemorate a milestone.

Considering that music press releases are exclusively handled by journalists of said industry or publications like Rolling Stone etc, there’s not much difference a music press release has over its regular counterparts. Here’s how you can write a music press release. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start with a catchy headline. 
  • 2. Preferably address the topic of discussion within the first paragraph. 
  • 3. Don’t include audio, pictures. 
  • 4. Do include links to audio, video. 
  • 5. Include all contact details in the release. 
  • 6. End with a personal touch.

15. Press Release for Announcing a Conference

Press Release for Announcing a Conference

Announcing a conference over a press release is always a gamble, especially what with the newer modes of information dissemination now taking the load off of press releases. But industry-specific reach is still something that press releases are very adept at, and so, press release for announcing a conference is something that can get you good results. 

Press release announcing a conference, as you might have expected it, has one major difference over other types: the fact that your center of attention will be the conference, and the entire press release will revolve around it. Here’s how to write it.

How to write it?

  • 1. Start by introducing yourself. 
  • 2. Write about the conference, what topic is the headliner. 
  • 3. Reel off the guests, lecturers or the main speakers at the event.
  • 4. Give full details on where and when it’s happening. 
  • 5. If there are refreshments after it, do mention it. Always a winner.

16. Press Release for Award Ceremony

Press Release for Award Ceremony

An award ceremony press release will expound on the what kind of awards are being given out, what the nominations are, what the categories are, and what’s the award (if it isn’t a big secret). All of these warrant the award ceremony press release to be a bit different than what’s your usual, run-of-the-mill press release. 

Writing an award press release is no big deal. Considering the centre of attention is still the award ceremony, these are obviously the points that the press release will focus on. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Detail the award ceremony. Attendees, timing, awards, the whole deal. 
  • 2. Include all contact details including emails, numbers. 
  • 3. Highlight the address.
  • 4. Include a special mention of any notable guests.
  • 5. Include a flashy headline.
  • 6. Images can be attached.

17. Press Release for ESG Companies

Press Release for ESG Companies

ESG press releases are now the up-and-coming sub-sector within the release market. Actually, it would be fair to say that they are not up-and-coming, but they have established their dominance as the ‘thing to be’ in the contemporary times. And that is because Environment, Social and Governance is something that we all care about and are concerned about. 

Writing an ESG press release, of course the main focus will be the story, the story of how you made the world a better place with your policies, your practices and your efforts. And so, here is how an ESG press release can be written. 

How to write it?

  • 1. ESG branding is imperative for your press release. 
  • 2. Treat your press release like a story.
  • 3. Capitalise on points most related to your ESG statement.
  • 4. Have dedicated channels of distribution. 
  • 5. Pen a creative headline that showcases your efforts for ESG.

18. Press Release for Education Sectors

Press Release for Education Sectors

Press releases for the education sector include releases for purposes including but certainly not limited to curriculum, changes in staff, teacher resources and many other topics that are related to education and its affiliated sectors. For those press releases, the language is a big issue, as the people who will primarily interact with your press release will be instructors and teachers.

Education sector press releases are widespread, as the public sector also uses press releases for this purpose: public schooling communicates most of its news through press release, and so, examples can be easily found.

How to write it?

  • 1. Use academic language.
  • 2. Keep it concise and to the point. 
  • 3. Headlines should not be catchy but rather professional.
  • 4. Your main point should be mentioned in the second paragraph. 
  • 5. Highlight contact information at the end. 
  • 6. Close with a statement. 

19. Press Release for Law Firms (Legal Press Release)

Press Release for Law Firms

Law firms use press releases for various purposes, the most common of which is the issuance of a statement in favour of or against a popular ruling, a case, or really any other thing that might warrant a response from the legal community. Writing a legal press release entails in it a language that is very industry-specific, reads like the terms and conditions on a document. 

The particulars of a press release for a law firm should focus on the topic of discussion, followed by their take on it, and ample contact information and branding of the law firm. Here are the salient instructions. 

How to write it?

  • 1. The language preferred and used by the legal community should be used.
  • 2. Branding should be visible on the prominent section of the document. 
  • 3. The topic of the press release should be touched upon early in the release. 
  • 4. The statement should be unequivocal. 
  • 5. Contact information should be prominent in the entire release. 
  • 6. End with a disclaimer.

20. Book Press Release

book press release

A book press release is what we mean by a book launch or book release; it is a press release that essentially lets the audience know of a book that is to be released, and further informs whether there will be a discussion on it with a panel in attendance, or just a book signing and meet-and-greet. Thus, writing a book press release usually centres on the fact that a book is being launched. 

A book press release’s main selling point will always be the book itself, and so, a couple pictures are always a good idea, especially of the cover or the author, if either of both is renowned. Secondly, the date, time and venue is also a big one; followed by whether it’s a signing or any other thing. 

How to write it?

  • 1. Start with a good, simple headline. 
  • 2. Include pictures of the book, title and the author. 
  • 3. Use previous publications (if any) for author’s description.
  • 4. Clearly mention the date, time and venue of the book launch. 
  • 5. Also mention if there’s a meet-and-greet, a book signing or a panel discussion on the book.

21. Research Press Release

research press release

A research press release is something that takes a typical research and publishes it on channels where finding it and reading about it will be more easier, because not everybody indulges in a scientific research journal. And so, a research press release will have a more toned-down language to ensure that the point that needs to get across goes down easily and wouldn’t require a dictionary. 

Writing a research press release is much like a book press release, but with the obvious caveats of a research included in the release. Following is a quick rundown on how to write a research press release.

How to write it?

  • 1. The language of the press release should be simple. 
  • 2. Keep it concise and to the point. 
  • 3. The research should be only briefly discussed.
  • 4. The research topic, findings, titles and researcher’s name should be highlighted. 
  • 5. Any dates, venues, discussions and findings should also be prominent through the release.

Types of Media Releases / Types of Press Releases

There are a number of types of media releases, which all correlate and are essentially the same as the press release types listed above. The only difference is, that a media release is usually reserved for events and product launches, which might be able to stir up interest with people. Whereas press releases are industry-specific and use mediums other than the conventional media; social media and print media. The types are as follows, 

  1. General News. 
  2. Launch Release
  3. Event Press Release
  4. Product Press Release
  5. Executive, Staff and Employee Press Release
  6. Expert Position Press Release


There are many different types of press releases. Even though the basic format remains the same but a few changes can be made here and there to make the press release seem more organized and properly targeted towards the audience. Do not forget to mention your contact information details such as phone numbers and email addresses. Types of press releases mentioned in this blog are some of the most common ones and they are published on a regular basis. This is why when you are about to start writing one of those press releases, it is important to have basic knowledge about them.


Looking to distribute press releases? Hire iCrowdNewswire. Launched in 2015 iCrowdNewswire powered by Google has implemented more press release distribution innovations than any other newswire in the industry from paid social and digital media advertising to audio marketing and 8 translations per release – no other wire provides geographic targeting down to a zip or postal codes worldwide; demographic targeting by age group, industry and interest; 8 translations with every release for unmatched multicultural and global reach; audio distribution with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana and Apple Sire; Google and Apple news and more.

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