How To Write A Press Release: A Comprehensive Guide – iCrowdNewswire
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How To Write A Press Release: A Comprehensive Guide

Gone are the times when every morning, people would read newspapers or magazines to read about different press releases. In today’s world all kinds of information are just a click away. Grasping a reader’s attention has become the ultimate fight. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to write the perfect press release. A well-written press release can help you go a long way. So, here’s a comprehensive guide to write a press release.

What is a Press Release?

But the question now becomes, what really is a press release? The simplest way to describe a press release is a document which contains a brief description about the work that has been done. Or it can be said that a press release informs people about the developments in the organization. This document is then published in the media and other related outlets.

Also Read: Different Types of Press Release to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy

Are Press Releases Really All That?

You must be wondering why any individual or company should be publishing the press releases of their products or services. It is important to know that no matter how small or big your news is, or what you are trying to publish, press releases are very effective. Following are some of the many reasons to do so:

Gain Publicity

Media outlets are much better at bringing traffic or audiences to your work. In order to gain attention and increase viewership, it is extremely important to publish a press release. This way, your efforts can reach a larger group of people. As a small business, this strategy is very good.

Increased Trust

Building your customer’s trust on you is one of the most challenging tasks for any individual or business. But if you have a few other websites which have your work published on them, the overall trust of the audience in the authenticity of your work increases. For example, iCrowdNewswire is a trusted website and has many published articles. These kinds of websites are trusted businesses and can increase your worth in the eyes of the customer. Similarly, there are famous bloggers and if they mention or reference your press release in their blogs, it can easily increase your sales and customer base.

Improved SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the top priority of every business these days. By writing a press release with the right set of keywords, you can easily direct the audience to your original work. Moreover, back-links (a vital part of increasing your SEO Traffic) can be increased once your work is referenced or mentioned by other people. This can obviously improve your ranking in the Google search engine as well.


One of the many benefits of press releases is that they are very cost-effective. Companies such as iCrowdNewswire offer their press release distribution packages starting from $250. With very little investment, you can easily gain thousands of guaranteed viewers with minimum effort.


The Real Challenge: Writing the Press Release

Writing the Press Release

Now you know that writing a press release is of utmost importance. But how can it be written in such a way that it conveys the message, attracts attention, and develops a keen interest of the reader into your product or service? Here is the guide to write press release that is good and manages to accomplish all the above-mentioned goals. 

#1 Create a Newsworthy Story

Create a Newsworthy story

It is important to present your story in such a way that will pique their interests. People want to hear about things that are new and trendy. Repetition of things can become boring. Therefore, there must be a unique aspect to the story in any press release.

For example, if you are a small organization and now your CEO is retiring, no one would really care enough to know about that. Even though it might be very important news for your organization but it is not newsworthy and hence cannot be made into a press release. But on the other hand if there are any new developments (small or big) in your product or service which your company provides, it definitely is newsworthy and should be made in a press release.

Assess the worth of press release story on the basis of these two basic questions:

a) Is it interesting enough to gain the attention of target audiences?
b) Will it catch the eye of people outside the targeted industry as well?

If both of these questions can be answered positively, then the story is definitely ready to be presented in a press release. Otherwise, it is best to avoid creating a press release for it. It is tempting to spice things up in your press release for the media but the end goal of publishing a press release should always be to attract customers. For this reason, the story must be kept simple and to the precise so that it can remain newsworthy. This is one of the first steps in the guide to writing a press release.

#2 Hook your Reader

Hook your reader

By now you know that your story really is newsworthy. It is time to develop a hook for the reader. This hook should be such that it makes the reader learn something. It does not have to sell the reader on something but rather should make them really appreciate the content you have shared with them. This hook will set the angle of how you share your information in the press release. By creating a strong hook, it is ensured that the reader will definitely go through the content in your press release.

#3 Catchy Headlines of a Press Release

Catchy Headings for a Press Release

Headlines pay the most vital role in attracting your viewers. Through a headline, viewers decide whether they should invest their time in reading your press release or not. Make sure it clearly defines what your press release is all about.

Headlines should be catchy, easy to understand, and precise. Using verbs can make the headlines look more interesting. Too much usage of conjunctions and prepositions can make the title look boring and quickly divert the viewer’s attention. The hook that you created in your second step should always be a part of the headline.

If there is an option to add a sub-headline in your press release, it is extremely important to add one. That is because it can further explain your headline and make your content even more precise and easy to read. A catchy headline is the most important part in the guide to writing a press release.


Benefits of a Catchy Headline

Well, the benefits are pretty obvious, but you first need to understand why. Why does a writer need to bother with catchy press release headlines? Because, only a headline good enough to attract a curious reader can ensure that the press release gets read in its entirety. A good headline is evidence that the rest of the text is written well too; do judge a book by its cover. A catchy headline, therefore, will ensure that the reader is first grabbed by the headline, which is compelling enough to make them read the whole document. That is the main benefit of a catchy headline. 

Similarly, catchy press release headlines will ensure that more and more publication houses will try to get hold of it and publish it.

#4 Working on Body of Press Release

Working on body of Press Release

Following rules must be remembered while working on the body of a press release:

1) Highlight Important Content: The first few lines are the most crucial part of your press release body. Only in the presence of a strong beginning can a user interest really be built in the rest of your press release. Always follow up on the headline. The best way to write this part is by using stats, figures, new feature, or any other important announcement. These few lines should act as the highlight of your content.

2) Precision Matters Most: The basic rule to follow while writing the content of a press release is to be precise. The language should be simple. Technical jargons and complicated words should be avoided. This makes the reader uninterested in the content. Because of this mistake, they fail to understand what is being communicated through the press release.

3) Set Correct Tone: Ensure that the tone in your press release is objective. Avoid the usage of first person words such as me, you, or us. The tone should be strictly professional. Inspiration can be taken from the newspaper articles or other similar reports.

4) Add Quotes: In order to further polish your content, it is best to add a quote or two in your work. But they should be short and to the point.

5) Add Multimedia: As the saying goes, “A picture says a thousand words.” This is also true when working on a press release. A logo, a diagram, or a graph chart can help viewers understand better and quicker. But too much use of multimedia can make the press release look unprofessional. A balance must be present in order to ensure perfection.

6) Add Contact Information: Contact information of the press release must be shared towards the end. The contact of the person handling the customer support should be provided. If a number cannot be provided, an Email address must be mentioned so that interested readers can contact their respective clients easily.

*Tip: Most readers are in a hurry and want to know only the crux of the story. Therefore, set your content body in such a way that even if a person scans through your story quickly, they know what the whole point is.

#5 Proof-Read, Edit, Repeat

Proof Read, Edit, Repeat

Whenever you submit an exam, your Professor asks you to recheck your work over and over again. This tip needs to be applied everywhere in life ESPECIALLY in the case of writing a press release. Once a release goes live, you cannot go back and make corrections in it. Proof-reading must be done by the writer. It is even better if another person can go through the content thoroughly. Ensure all mentioned links are updated and correctly placed. There should be no spelling errors particularly in the headings. As soon as a read discovers a spelling or grammatical mistake in your work, all efforts become irrelevant. Edit your work after having identified the mistakes and then keep repeating the whole process until you are completely satisfied.

Also Read: Mistakes to Avoid in Writing a Press Release

#6 Generic Format of a Press Release

Generic format of Press Release

Following is the format which is generally format while writing a press release:

Release Date[MM/DD/YY]



Add a Sub-heading in Italics and Upper and Lowercase Letters (Optional)


(Mention: City-State-Date)-Write the leading lines of your press release here. This has been discussed in detail under the sub-heading Highlight Important Content in the heading of Working On Body. The rest of the body can be continued from here. “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”

For more queries contact us at [By adding the contact information towards the end with a message makes it much more appealing and personalized for the user.]

[Call to Action URLs for cross references]



#7 Two Great Samples

Samples of Press Release

Example No. 1

In the following example, it can be seen that the author Mr. Hector Botero has written a very precise and perfect heading which is then followed by the rest of the content. An image is added as well to increase the reader’s interest.

Press Release Sample
Screenshot has been taken from:

In the next image, it can be seen that the author ends the press release by quickly providing their name and Email Address.

Press Release Sample 1
The screenshot has been taken from:

Example No. 2

A similar format can be observed in the following two images as well.

Press Release Sample 2
Press Release Sample 3

Screenshot has been taken from:


FAQ for Press Release Distribution

Press Release Distribution FAQ's

1) How to distribute your press release?

The most efficient and effective way of distributing your press release is to outsource the distribution work. You need to look for distributor services which target the audience you desire. One of the leading services providers is iCrowdNewswire. One of their products is Release Live which is powered by Google. There are extensive features present on it such as AI-translations in 8 different languages, pin-point geographic and demographic targeting, viewers audit, scheduling of multiple campaigns, and many others as well.

Read More: Effective Ways of Marketing a Press Release

2) How much does a press release cost?

Some of the best packages are available at iCrowdNewswire. Their service of Release Live Powered by Google has three different packages. They offer the following services.

In $250 (Basic Package):

Guaranteed 15,000 Views

  • Distribution on Facebook and Google Networks
  • Global reach with translation into 8 languages
  • Geographic & demographic targeting
  • Choose country, state, and city with zip/postal codes
  • Choose age group and interests
  • Industry of target market


In $350 (Enhanced Package):

Guaranteed 30,000 Views

  • Distribution on Facebook and Google Networks
  • Global reach with translation into 8 languages
  • Geographic & demographic targeting
  • Choose country, state, and city with zip/postal codes
  • Choose age group and interests
  • Industry of target market


In $450 (Enhanced Package):

Guaranteed 45,000 Views

  • Distribution on Wall Street Journal, New York Times, MarketWatch, Bloomberg and Yahoo Finance
  • Global reach with translation into 8 languages
  • Geographic & demographic targeting
  • Choose country, state, and city with zip/postal codes
  • Choose age group and interests
  • Industry of target market


3) How many words should there be in a press release?

The main purpose of writing a press release is to provide a concise description of an update or introduction to a new product. It is best to keep it in the limits of 400 to 500 words. Most distributors limit the number of words in a press release but the ReleaseLive™ Press Release Distribution service powered by Google allows their users to publish as lengthy Press Release as preferred.

Read More: Perfect Press Release Length to Improve Visibility


4) When to send a press release?

In order to distribute a press release it is best to send a press release to a distributor so they can increase the audience of the press release. One such press release distribution service is ReleaseLive™ Press Release Distribution service powered by Google.

Read More: Best Time to Send a Press Release


5) Can a press release be two pages?

Although most publishers do not allow the press release to be more than a certain limit of words, ReleaseLive™ Press Release Distribution service powered by Google does not limit their users in the number of words that they can use.

Read More: Do’s and Don’ts to Follow When Writing a Press Release


6) What is press release writing?

The process of sharing any update or new information about a product or service is called as press release Writing.


7) When to write a press release?

A press release should be published when there is some important and new information needs to be shared with the audience. In order to understand better, read the section
‘#1 Create a Newsworthy Story’ in the heading of ‘The Real Challenge: Writing the Press Release’.



8) How many press releases are distributed daily?

The platform iCrowdNewswire alone publishes around 2,000 press releases in a day. So there are millions of press releases being released in a day.


9) Why are press releases important?

Press releases serve as a marketing tool for any company which releases them. For more detail, read the section ‘Are Press Releases Really All That?’

Read More: Reasons to Write a Press Release


10) Why publish a press release?

One of the major benefits of sending a press release is to increase the customer awareness about your service or product. But it is of no use to publish a press release if nobody sees it. In order to ensure that press releases reach the target audience, it is important to hire the services of products such as Release Live Distribution Powered by Google.


11) How to send out a press release?

By hiring the services of products such as ReleaseLive™ Press Release Distribution service powered by Google, sending out a release can be completed in just a few clicks.

Read More: Steps to Follow When Sending a Press Release


12) How to create a press release?

Writing a press release is not a difficult task. There are a few steps that need to be followed. The detailed answer of this question can be found in the article above.


13) How to write a good press release?

In order to write a good press release, you must have the following:

  • newsworthy content
  • great hooks
  • catchy titles
  • precise text in the body
  • contact information


14) What is the first component of a traditional press-release style public relations message?

The first component of a traditional press-release style public relations message is the headline which serves as the hook for the reader.

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