Effective Ways of How to do Press Release Marketing – iCrowdNewswire
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Effective Ways of How to do Press Release Marketing

How to do Press Release Marketing - iCrowdNewswire


Suppose you own a small business and want to announce the news. You figure out that by writing an effective press release you can easily get your ideas in the market. So, you write the most articulate press release. Once you are done, you Email the press release to different journalists. Now you wait.
But in the meantime, your competitors are rapidly gaining customers and their news is spreading like wildfire around the Internet and overall industry. How is that? The answer is very simple: apart from reaching out to the relevant journalists, they market their press releases. Hence it is important to know effective ways of marketing a press release with the best press release marketing strategy.

What is a Press Release in Marketing?

What is a Press Release in Marketing - iCrowdNewswire

Press release marketing is a very important procedure in your marketing strategy. This is because even if you have written the most eloquent press release but nobody reads it, it serves no purpose in improving the organization. Similarly, if a journalist picks a press release then they might market it and pitch it to a certain group of people but that is not enough. There are hundreds of platforms today on which an organization can do press release marketing making a press release visible to millions of clients in no time.

The purpose of this blog is to explore the different strategies which an organization can use in order to market their press release.

Role of Social Media in Press Release Marketing

Role of Social Media in Press Release Marketing - iCrowdNewswire

This is the biggest and most effective press release marketing strategy. As soon as a press release is written, its hype should be created on all the social media platforms. This means that posts regarding the press release and its content should be created and shared.

Social Media Contacts

Social Media Contacts - iCrowdNewswire

Organizations need to have the right contacts in their friends or followers list. This means that on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all other platforms, those journalists need to be followed or befriended who are relevant to the services or products which are provided by the organization. Following the right people on social media can give a great boost to the press release on all platforms. This is why it should be the first thing to focus on while using the effective ways of marketing a press release.

Social Media Collaborations

Social Media Collaborations - iCrowdNewswire

Moreover, collaborations can be done with social media influencers so that they can give a shout out or share a post related to the press release. Through these kinds of partnerships, organizations can easily increase their brand awareness and reach out to the influencers of social media as well. Through a solid online presence, people can develop their trust on an organization and its products or services easily.

Social Media Sharing / Leveraging Hashtags for Press Release Marketing

Social Media Sharing Leveraging Hashtags for Press Release Marketing - iCrowdNewswire

Apart from that there should always be the option to share the press release on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and all the other social media platforms. The press release should be written in such a way that it can be retweeted by people who read it. Moreover, journalists in the press release niche should be approached and asked to share and post about the press release. Different quotes and sections of the press release can be posted as tweets. This will increase the audience engagement of the press release. Hashtags can also be used as a strong marketing tool. Keywords of the press release can be utilized and turned into trending hashtags. This can boost a post rapidly.

Twitter, Instagram and elsewhere, major social platform have this feature called hashtag, where a word or a small phrase is attached to a hash, which can then usually evolve into a trend. Since these are frequently used, as part of your press release marketing strategy for social media, you can utilize this medium to further give your release a boost. This will ensure that it stays relevant and shows that the press release is in tune with the times we live in. This should be on the top of the list of effective ways of how to do press release marketing.

Image Sharing

Image Sharing - iCrowdNewswire

As mentioned above, a lot of postings should be done. But each post should not be limited to words only. Instead aesthetically pleasing pictures should be made on the topic of the press release. Each picture should have a limited amount of words in it. With fewer words and more illustrations, a message can be conveyed much quicker. This strategy should also be applied by an organization marketing a press release.

Video Sharing

Video Sharing - iCrowdNewswire

Another way of press release marketing strategy is video sharing. This is why the reach of a video posted on social media platforms is much more. A short video can be made which leads up to the subject or topic of the press release. It must be remembered that the video should be of a few seconds because after that people lose their interest and will not heed any importance to it.

Website Partnerships to do Press Release Marketing

press release marketing with website partnership - iCrowdNewswire

There are many websites that post different kinds of content. Partnerships should be made with such websites so that they post a press release on their own websites. These partnered websites target their own relevant niche. They have their own viewers and followers.
By marketing press release on those websites, interested parties can view and read them. This increases the visibility of a press release in no time. Every website which posts your press release will improve your online presence. The authenticity of your product, services, and organization increases as well.

Using Blogs For Press Release Marketing

Using Blogs For Press Release Marketing - iCrowdNewswire

These days’ blogs play a vital role in describing and discussing the various products or services of an organization. Organizations write different blogs to increase product knowledge and website traffic. Blogs have a bigger reach in the market and a truly optimized and well-written blog can easily turn up on the initial pages of Google, Bing and other search engines. Due to this, they are an effective tool that can be used to market a press release.

A good example, by taking a leaf from the effective ways of marketing a press release, would be to take an excerpt from the press release and made a part of the blog. A URL link should be attached or mentioned in the blog which redirects an interested person to the press release upon clicking. Do not copy paste the press release into the blog because there are chances it will mess up the search engine optimization. Blogs are the best way to communicate an idea to the potential customers and pitches can be created much more efficiently within the content of the blog. By accommodating a portion of the press release in the blog, viewers can easily be diverted to the press release.

How do you Write a Press Release for Marketing?

How do you Write a Press Release for Marketing - iCrowdNewswire

Writing a press release for marketing is quite easy, as all you (the writer) will have to do is follow some pretty basic concepts, concepts that are fundamental for any level of creative writing. First is creativeness. You need to be as creative as possible, because only a good headline and text can compel people to read it. Similarly, following the standards set by the 21st century, you need to include a good amount of social media stuff in there, which’ll help your press release by filling out any holes the press release will leave. You can also look up how to do press release marketing via a comprehensive guide to write a press release.

Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Strategy - iCrowdNewswire

Email is another major strategy which can be used for press release marketing. Through this method, organizations can directly target relevant journalists and other media personalities to distribute the press release to. There are a lot of things to consider when writing an Email to distribute the press release. First of all, the perfect timing needs to be picked when sending out an Email. Everyone knows journalists are busy bodies. And that they are bombarded with hundreds of emails every day. They do not even have the time to go through them all. This is why anyone following the strategy of email marketing, should consider at what time the journalist will be available and the email will be present at the top of their inbox so they can easily access it without having to scroll around. This is certainly not how to do press release marketing.

Subject Line

Subject Line - iCrowdNewswire

Apart from picking the right time, email marketing requires proper Subject Lines. A subject line plays the most vital role in convincing a journalist to open the email. It should be catchy, precise, and should immediately provoke the journalist reading the press release to open the email and give it a read. Most of the time, it is best to use a phrase which is relevant to the journalist’s field. It is preferable to have a few words in taglines. This is how to do press release marketing by the book.

Email Body and Press Release Content

Email Body and Press Release Content - iCrowdNewswire

The press release written should be in simple language. It should not be lengthy and should contain a limited set of words. There should be quotations in the text so that the authenticity of a press release can be improved. Apart from that, a journalist should be able to skim through the press release and easily understand what the press release is all about. Apart from that, one or two pictures can be used as well. All the pictures or other multimedia which is to be used in the press release should be relevant and easy to understand.

Why are Press Releases Important?

Why are Press Releases Important - iCrowdNewswire

For one, press releases are important because they are the most cost-effective way of marketing a product or an event. They claim some pretty amazing numbers when it comes to exposure and market segment penetration and they do so without incurring the maximum of costs. More than that, since they utilize the social/ digital media, therefore, they have adapted several tools and software to track their clicks or distribution to online users. They are, in short, a great alternative to regular social media marketing campaigns. This is the proper crux of how to do press release marketing that makes a difference.

But no matter what the content of a press release is, it should be kept to the point. This is because journalists do not have the time to read through a lot of material. A large press release will automatically lose the interest of the journalist and they will not read it. This is why the length of a press release is to be kept short and is repeatedly emphasized for this purpose. The five W’s should be kept in mind when working on email marketing. Email marketing has this drawback. The content of the press release can be limited.


Press release marketing can be a tiresome task. Most people assume that press releases are obsolete and do not play any role in the marketing world. But that is not the case. Press releases can be used to spread the word or any news about an organization. In order for a person to find out about the press release, they should be marketed around social media platforms and various websites using marketing automation. This way more people can get to know about the press release and go through it. Even though this may seem like a trivial thing to do, it guarantees visibility and improves the viewership of the press release.


Launched in 2015 iCrowdNewswire powered by Google has implemented more press release distribution innovations than any other newswire in the industry from paid social and digital media advertising to audio marketing and 8 translations per release – no other wire provides geographic targeting down to a zip or postal codes worldwide; demographic targeting by age group, industry and interest; 8 translations with every release for unmatched multicultural and global reach; audio distribution with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana and Apple Siri; Google and Apple’s news and more providing greater returns on investment.

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