How to Write a Search Engine Optimized Press Release? – iCrowdNewswire
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How to Write a Search Engine Optimized Press Release?

SEO Press Release - Search Engine Optimized Press Release - iCrowdNewswire

The main objective of any official statement or press release is to get attention from ideal individuals and organizations like the media, potential customers, and sometimes even investors. Though this depends upon the nature of your business and marketing campaign. However, with thousands of press releases getting published each day, it is absolute that your customer’s public statements stand apart among the rest. This can be easily done by creating a search engine optimized press release and through press release marketing.

Many PR experts generally don’t know how the whole SEO techniques work, because it usually isn’t the part of the digital marketing skill set, that they learn.  Search engine optimization usually revolves around content marketing and growth marketing. However, it is slowly becoming an important part of PR strategies as PR experts are now realizing the importance of a SEO press release.

So, in short, if you start paying a little attention to SEO whilst writing a press release, it is surely going to help you get better results for your clients and even help you in getting more exposure in media.

How Important is a Search Engine Optimized Press Release?

How Important is a Search Engine Optimized Press Release - iCrowdNewswire

Search engine optimization started gaining traction since the ‘90s, and what began as a vogue showcasing system is currently transformed into an unquestionable requirement for almost all brands. But what is SEO exactly?

It is a very simple yet, deeply rooted process that is often overcomplicated by many people. SEO stands for Search engine optimization, and the basic motive is to get search engines to view a website as an authority on any given subject matter or topic. When the search engine finds a website that it thinks is highly credible, then it shows it in the results on its first page. This is the whole gist that is to be followed while writing a search engine optimized press release.

Accordingly, more individuals will see that site when they search the relevant keyword, which gives way to more natural traffic, and eventually, higher and better deals for the organization. Search engine optimization has been demonstrated to be a compelling option in contrast to many paid techniques for gathering web traffic, similar to Google Ads. What’s more, when done accurately, SEO can spare organizations a lot of time and cash over the long haul.

Some benefits that SEO provides are:


Increased Organic Traffic
Improved Ranking in Search Engines like (Google, Yahoo)
Improved Website Score
Better Credibility for your Website


Could SEO Help Your Clients Get More Attention?

Could SEO Help Your Clients Get More Attention - iCrowdNewswire

While a few organizations advantage more from SEO than others, a larger part of organizations can effectively increase and build their traffic, utilizing just SEO in its entirety. The thing here is that you need to find out whether your client is SEO-compatible or not. This can be done by studying the niche of their products and services.

Search engine optimization usually works perfectly for companies that have a high search volume and low competition. This means that SEO is ideal for companies that have a specific niche with the minimum competition, giving that company an edge when a SEO strategy is successfully implemented. It is significantly hard for companies to rank organically if there is a lot of competition.

The digital rivalry is as savage as the real-world rivalry and companies are constantly battling for higher ranks in the search pages of search engines. This should give you a better understating why its important to write a SEO optimized press release.

Your client would have a better chance of ranking if the keyword is relatively smaller but still relatable. Finding the right keywords is called keyword research and is the focal point of the whole SEO strategy. If the keyword you’ve selected has a lot of competition, then it can be very difficult to rank organically and even if you manage to do so you will soon lose your position to other organizations who are fighting for the same spot on the related keyword.

Basically, what SEO does is that whenever someone searches the keyword that is related to your client it shows your client’s website or landing page on the first page of its results. This is what you’re looking for while composing a search engine optimized press release.

Some Ways to Improve the SEO of Your Press Releases

Some ways to Improve the SEO of Your Press Releases - iCrowdNewswire

You may be shocked to discover that most of the sites don’t get any natural traffic from Google. So regardless of whether your customers don’t have their inner SEO strategy, you can give them SEO help by composing their search engine optimized press release.

The three greatest components that will impact your SEO press release are the focus keywords you use, the basic structure of the press release, and the backlinks you incorporate. iCrowdNewswire is the leading press release distribution provider, and are the experts in search engine optimized press releases and press release marketing.

1. Know Your Focus Keywords

Know Your Focus Keywords - iCrowdNewswire

Google and other web indexes rank pages by scanning them for certain key terms. So, it’s essential to recognize what your customers’ target audience may be looking for so they can easily discover their site. To decide the correct focus keywords, it’s ideal to utilize a particular SEO tool to do your keyword research, yet the thought is truly straight forward.

In your official statement or press release if you get technical, ensure you’re utilizing these focus keywords deliberately and strategically. They ought to be in the feature of the press release, any subheadings, and even in the meta tags of the pictures being used. Google and other web indexes explicitly search these zones of the text to pull focus keywords and use them in the positioning and ranking calculation.

Nonetheless, be mindful so as not to abuse them or overstuff your SEO press release. A decent and dependable guideline is to utilize your focus keywords close to 4 or 5 times in total.

Learn how to write a killer press release with proper formatting and structure: How To Write A Press Release: A Comprehensive Guide

2. Consider Designing & Formatting For Search Engine Optimized Press Release

Consider Designing & Formatting - iCrowdNewswire

Almost all the official statements and press releases follow a similar structure—feature, subheading, introduction section, the depiction of the news, and a statement or quote from a business leader or official. In any case, when you’re composing a search engine optimized press release, it’s essential to comprehend and implement the structure that is favored via web crawlers.

As a rule, web indexes and search engines can easily scan the content if the keywords are used straightforwardly. This implies utilizing list items, bullet points, numbers, records, and subheads that separate the content. Abstain from composing huge passages and paragraphs, and rather, attempt to utilize shorter, more dense sections. This will give your search engine optimized press release a better chance of getting noticed by the search engines.

3. Strategic Use of Backlinks

Strategic Use of Backlinks - iCrowdNewswire

The last significant component of SEO is backlinking or link building. In a press release, there are a couple of zones where you’ll normally put your internal links—in the starting section, with possible use further into the content. However, utilizing backlinks with proper anchor text against your customer’s focus keywords in their press releases will assist them with positioning higher for those specific search terms.

After you’ve decided your customer’s principle keywords, recognize the connections that relate best to those specific search terms. Preferably, these connections would land pages that the customer needs to direct people to, and that has a type of deals channel or funnel joined to it.

For instance, if your official statement is announcing a new product, connection to the item’s main landing page can be added against its keywords so the readers are re-directed towards it.

Last Thoughts

It is not that important to have all the skills of an SEO expert to simply write a search engine optimized press release. It can be done using the first level of skills required for an SEO strategy and can help you get better attention in search engines and even in media. Your press releases will soon start getting the traction they deserve once you start implementing these basic SEO techniques.

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