Very few people have a perfect dental situation, and many deal with at least mild misalignment of their jaws or teeth. Not only can these be aesthetic issues, but they can also lead to oral health problems. Fortunately, clear aligners offer a convenient and discreet solution to fixing these issues. This article will explain aligners and cover four reasons you might need them. That way, you can better determine if the cost of clear aligners is worth it.
Aligners are removable dental devices that can correct a variety of dental problems pertaining to teeth and jaw alignments. You can take them off to eat and brush your teeth, then put them back on, offering a convenient way to fix dental issues and minimize cleaning needs. Aligners are generally transparent, making them invisible when you wear them. This also makes them favorable for aesthetic reasons.
Aligners offer clear convenience as a dental device. They’re also quite versatile, able to help with a variety of dental problems, such as:
Poorly aligned teeth can create issues with speaking, breathing, and eating. Even worse, if teeth are crowded, they can chip and wear, and even lead to more severe issues like gum disease. One of the biggest use cases for aligners is this exact situation. Your aligners will help shift your teeth into the proper places to ensure good oral health.
If your jaws aren’t aligned, you can end up with overbites, underbites, or crossbites. Overbites occur when your jaw is misaligned in a way where your upper teeth are too far in front of your lower teeth when biting. Underbites are a dental condition where your lower jaw rests in front of your upper jaw. And a crossbite occurs when your teeth don’t line up properly when you close your mouth.
All of these can lead to various dental issues, such as tooth wear, jaw pain, and even tooth loss or gum disease. Aligners will help align your jaws correctly by pulling things into place slowly over time. This will reduce the issues associated with irregular bites.
Overjet, also known as “buck teeth,” occurs when the upper incisor teeth protrude out from your mouth and over your lower incisors. Not only can these not look good, but they can also lead to speech impediments. Aligners can potentially help mild to moderate cases of overjet, moving the teeth back into a normal position where they’re angled correctly.
Gap teeth occur when you have an unusually large gap between your teeth. These gaps could potentially increase bacteria buildup, leading to gum disease and related issues. Aligners can help close those gaps by slowly shifting teeth so they’re closer together.
Aligners are convenient and easy yet versatile dental solutions. Whether you have crowded or misaligned teeth, gap teeth, an over jet, or jaw alignment issues, aligners could potentially help you readjust your teeth so that everything lines up well. Make sure to compare providers and aligner options to determine the best treatment option for you.