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Tag: Containers

The automotive industry is making driving cars far more sustainable. But can it do the same for the way parts are moved?

Press Release

While the industry moves to producing more efficient and sustainable electrified vehicles, there is still a lot to do to reduce waste in the automotive supply chain. Moving to reusable, pooled packaging makes it more sustainable and more efficient, with […]

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Why moving automotive parts across continents in one-way packaging isn’t sustainable

Press Release

Changes in the global automotive industry are showing how CHEP reusable containers are more environmentally, operationally, and economically sustainable than cardboard. The automotive industry is going through rapid change. The move towards electrification – driven by environmental regulations and consumer […]

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How automotive supply chains become more resilient by sharing risk.

Press Release

CHEP’s share & reuse global pool is helping manufacturers and suppliers stay competitive in a disruptive world by giving them more flexibility with less risk. Automotive supply chains are among the most complex on earth, with each vehicle containing up […]

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Zusammenführung Ist es an der Zeit, das Teilen von Verpackungsmaterial in der Automobilindustrie noch einmal zu überdenken?

Press Release

Teilen. Ist ein natürlicher menschlicher Instinkt. Denn wenn wir zusammenarbeiten, gewinnt jeder von uns. Fünf Jahre sind schon vergangen, seit Sergio Marchionne, damals Chief Executive bei Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Confessions of a Capital Junkie“ hielt. Er […]

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Konsolidacja Czy to już właściwy moment na ponowne rozważenie? zagadnienia? współdzielenie w branży motoryzacyjnej?

Press Release

Współdzielenie to część naturalnego ludzkiego instynktu.  Podświadomie wiemy, że wspólna praca jest opłacalna. Co ciekawe, już pięć lat temu Sergio Marchionne, ówczesny dyrektor generalny Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, wygłosił prezentację zatytułowaną „Wyznania uzależnionego od kapitału” (Confessions of a Capital Junkie). Przekonywał, […]

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Serait-il venu le moment d’envisager le partage au sein du secteur automobile?

Press Release

Partager, c’est un instinct humain naturel car nous savons qu’en collaborant, nous créerons un monde meilleur pour tous. Incroyable mais vrai, cela fait déjà cinq ans que Sergio Marchionne, alors Directeur général de Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, a fait sa présentation […]

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CHEP: Taking CapEx out of the automotive supply chain is now more important than ever.

Press Release

With growing uncertainty about the future, moving to CHEP share & reuse means less non-core CapEx and more economic – as well as environmental – sustainability. COLGNE, Germany 17/11/20 –  The automotive industry was already under enormous pressure: the push […]

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