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Category: CE

Title Pawns vs. Unsecured Loans

Press Release

Unsecured loans let you borrow money without risking any possessions as collateral. But they can be harder to qualify for and come with higher rates and lower loan amounts. Car owners who don’t want to deal with these issues can […]

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How Long Does It Take to Get an Installment Loan for Poor Credit?

Press Release

Installment loans can give you a large sum of money to help you out of a financial bind. With these loans, you can get the funds as soon as the same day you apply. Better yet, many lenders have less […]

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Can I Pay Back an Emergency Loan Early?

Press Release

If you’re able to pay back an emergency loan early, you may be wondering if this option is right for you. One thing that may concern you is prepayment penalties, or fees the lender charges for paying your loan off […]

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Things that will help you in retirement that aren’t your 401k

Press Release

Planning out your retirement finances and lifestyle can be challenging and depends on multiple factors. Fortunately, there are many things that can help you in retirement, beyond your 401(k) or other retirement accounts. Here are some other things, financial and social, that […]

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Advance America: 5 Tips for Getting an Installment Loan Fast

Press Release

Installment loans have fixed, monthly payments, making them easier to budget for. As a result, borrowers often use them to cover emergencies, large purchases, and debt refinancing, to name a few common uses. When these expenses are urgent, borrowers need […]

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Advance America: Are Title Loans Worth It?

Press Release

Title loans can help borrowers secure funds quickly when they’re in a financial pinch. From a simple application process to less strict credit score requirements, a title loan can be a useful and easy option for borrowers that own a […]

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5 Renovation projects that may raise your home’s value

Press Release

If you’re looking to invest in your home and raise its value, consider tackling some key renovation projects. Updates like new appliances or a new bathtub can be costly, but they’re also potential selling points down the road. Here are […]

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5 Expenses Instant Cash Advances Can Cover

Press Release

There are times in life when waiting for your next payday is simply not an option. This is particularly true for people who get paid biweekly or even monthly. If you need to meet essential or emergency expenses right away, […]

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Thinking about retiring to another country? Keep these 4 things in mind

Press Release

If you’re considering retiring to another country, you’re not alone: Over half a million people receive Social Security benefits even though they live outside the U.S., and more Americans than ever are considering retiring in another country. Uprooting your life […]

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5 Ways for Retirees to Get Money Now

Press Release

With inflation at a 40-year high, many retirees are starting to feel the squeeze of higher prices on their budgets. Not only can this impede luxuries like dining out and playing golf, but also necessities like food, energy, and medical […]

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Advance America: 4 Features of a Great Online Loan

Press Release

Deciding on which lender to choose can sometimes be a difficult decision for borrowers. Knowing the right features to look for and compare can help make the process easier. Some features a great online loan offers include fast funding and […]

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4 College Savings Hacks for Parents

Press Release

Saving for college can be stressful. With the tuition costs increasing every year, it can be challenging to decide how and what to save, and saving enough for the full cost can take significant financial planning. Whether you’re well on […]

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Are you ready for retirement?

Press Release

With so many factors in play—retirement accounts, debt, lifestyle, and more–It can be tough to know when you’re ready to retire. Even if you’re nearing the age when you wanted to retire, you might not be sure if you’re financially […]

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How to keep your business flexible and adaptable

Press Release

The business world is ever-changing. Today’s business needs to be flexible enough to adapt to new opportunities and resilient enough to withstand both market fluctuations and unexpected events. Here are a few ways to keep your business flexible and adaptable […]

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Why Summer is a Great Time to Get Life Insurance

Press Release

For many, summer means sunshine, beaches, and travel. But summer isn’t just a great time to relax and enjoy the outdoors — it can also be the perfect time to consider buying a life insurance policy. While any time of […]

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Fidelity Life Makes Term Life Insurance More Accessible and Affordable for Everyday Americans

Press Release

Purchasing life insurance is a smart way to financially provide for your loved ones in the event of your death. Having a good policy in place ensures that you’re doing so cost-effectively and the insurer will have enough funds to […]

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3 Ways to Use Your Dividends

Press Release

Many of us invest with the goal of funding retirement. Savvy investors may also keep an eye on the dividends from their investments. A dividend is a share of a company’s profits, redistributed to stakeholders. Many investments may pay dividends, […]

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5 Budgeting Tips for Retirees

Press Release

Your finances inevitably change after you retire. You might move to a new place, suddenly have a lot more time on your hands, or experience changes in your income. This can be a great opportunity to reassess your spending and […]

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Should Student Loan Borrowers Also Get Life Insurance?

Press Release

With student loan debt in the United States currently estimated to total $1.762 trillion, the price of higher education is quickly taking its toll on many households. Borrowers may be wondering if they need to consider their student loans when […]

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Attorney Zulu Ali Renamed Top 10 Criminal & Immigration Lawyer by Attorney & Practice Magazine

Press Release

Riverside, California Attorney Zulu Ali, founder and principal of the Law Offices of Zulu Ali & Associates, LLP (zulualilaw.com), the largest Black-owned law firm in California’s Inland Empire, has been renamed Top 10 Criminal Defense and Immigration Lawyer in the […]

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Fidelity Life helps young families get affordable life insurance

Press Release

Term life insurance can be a good fit for most young families — but keep in mind that both parents, if possible, should be covered. You also need to plan for your new family, which means facing questions like “What […]

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Plethora Businesses Represents Owners in the Sale of American Sheet Metal

Press Release

Orange County, CA, July 21, 2022 – Plethora Businesses, an M&A advisory firm headquartered in Orange County, California, is pleased to announce the sale of American Sheet Metal, a provider of sheet metal fabrication services, to Manufacturing Succession (MSP). Plethora […]

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Initiation of Coverage Report on Bakkt Holdings Inc. (NYSE: BKKT) Titled “Connecting the Digital Economy with Major Partners Signed and Strong Revenue Growth Momentum”

Press Release

August 3, 2022, ST. PETERSBURG, FL – Water Tower Research (www.watertowerresearch.com) has published an Initiation of Coverage Report on Bakkt Holdings Inc. (NYSE: BKKT) titled, “Connecting the Digital Economy with Major Partners Signed and Strong Revenue Growth Momentum”. The report […]

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Press Release

如果您打算進行大額支出(例如翻新家居、購買家電等)或想集中債務,但沒有足夠的資金預先支付相關費用,您可以考慮申請私人貸款。私人貸款是您的應急首選,因為它們具有各種優點,例如申請簡單、文件少、批核迅速及由銀行發放貸款。 Citibank提供各種類型的私人貸款,只需幾個簡單步驟即可申請。不同類型的私人貸款能滿足不同個人的獨特財務需求。請查看並比較Citibank提供的各類私人貸款,然後選擇符合您財務需求的貸款。   Citi私人貸款的優點 Citibank的部分人氣私人貸款及其優點如下: Citi特快現金貸款服務︰當您需要增加現金流、支付意外開支或應急時,Citi特快現金或是您的理想選擇。其他優點包括: 靈活還款期︰您如果申請Citi特快現金,便可以選擇合適自己的還款期(由6個月至最長 60個月),以償還私人貸款及利息。 特低月平息:Citi特快現金貸款服務的實際年利率由38%至最高可達44.72%,具體情況視乎銀行條款、您的個人背景及其他標準而定。 實際年利率是一個參考利率,以年化利率展示出包括銀行產品的基本利率及其他費用與收費。 高貸款額:您可以透過Citibank的Citi特快現金借取高達月薪12倍或HK$2,000,000的貸款額,以較低者為準。 快速發放貸款:如果您合乎資格並在工作日(星期一到星期五)上午10點前成功提交填妥的申請表及所有必需文件,您的Citi特快現金便能在同一天獲批並發放。 「Quick Cash」套現分期計劃︰當您急需現金應付開支時,您可以透過「Quick Cash」套現分期計劃即時獲得貸款。這是Citi信用卡持有人的專屬服務。 快速發放貸款:只需60秒迅速將信用額套現。 特低月平息:您可以透過「Quick Cash」套現分期計劃獲得月平息低至16%(實際年利率為約3.58%)的貸款。 靈活還款期︰您可以選擇6個月至長達60個月的還款期。 Citi卡數結餘轉戶貸款服務:您可以透過Citi卡數結餘轉戶輕鬆將債務集中處理,減低利息支出,令您每月還款更輕鬆,更可避免高昂利息。 高貸款額:您可以透過Citi卡數結餘轉戶,借取高達月薪21倍或HK$1,200,000的貸款額,以較低者為準。 靈活還款期︰貸款還款期由6個月至長達72個月,讓您可以按自己的情況選擇合適的還款期。 Citi貸易借︰無論您從事任何行業或是自僱人士,Citi貸易借都可滿足您的週轉需要。 簡單文件: 符合Citibank條件的人士只需提交糧單,即可申請貸款。 高貸款額:您可以透過Citi貸易借,借取高達月薪8倍或HK$100,000的貸款額,以較低者為準。 靈活還款期︰您可以選擇6個月至長達60個月的還款期。   結語 Citi私人貸款是您的融資首選,因為這與用於特定目的的汽車貸款或按揭貸款不同,您可以靈活使用它們。您可以選擇在幾個月或幾年內償還這些貸款及利息。每種貸款類型都有特定條款及細則,並需要符合部分條件,方有資格獲得私人貸款。在您申請貸款之前,請務必向Citibank查詢有關每種貸款服務的詳情,然後選擇最適合您財務需求的貨款。   Citibank Hong Kong Citibank香港為消費者及機構提供一系列金融產品及服務,包括零售銀行及投資銀行、信用卡以至個人貸款。Citibank香港旨在為客戶提供全方位及創新的方案,在瞬息萬變的金融市場中,配合亞太區客戶日趨複雜的策略。 本文僅代表作者觀點,並不代表Citi及其僱員的立場。請瀏覽Citibank香港網站,獲取文中所述更準確及完整的產品及優惠資訊。  

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Press Release

信用卡是一種非常有用的金融工具,可以讓您進行多次大小額簽賬。然而,如果您沒有按時繳付信用卡賬單,賬單可能因而累積至巨額債務,有時可能令人難以償還。如果您持有數張信用卡,並且不清楚每張信用卡的最新賬單還款期,您的財務狀況可能會更加嚴峻。您亦可能會因信用卡債務而需償還高額利息,令還款變得更為困難。 為解決這種情況,您可以申請結餘轉戶貸款這類型的私人貸款,將您所有債務合而為一,並且只有一個固定的每月還款日。香港有多家金融機構提供私人貸款,並且申請非常容易。這種貸款的利率通常很低,讓您更容易還款。 雖然透過結餘轉戶貸款來償還信用卡債務的優點良多,但亦有部分缺點。詳情請閱讀下文。   使用私人貸款償還信用卡債務的優點   一次過解決您的信用卡債務 您可以透過私人貸款,一次過還清信用卡債務,助您舒緩財政困境,讓您安枕無憂。然而,請務必注意,通過私人貸款還清信用卡債務並不等於還清債務,因為您仍需要償還私人貸款。 簡化並管理還款期 如果您有多張信用卡,並且還款日都不同,要管理所有信用卡會很困難。您可能會因而忘記還款,並導致卡債累積起來。這種情況不僅會為您帶來經濟負擔,還會影響您的信用評分。當您使用私人貸款合併信用卡債務時,您不僅可以還清信用卡債務,而且還可以簡化還款期。賬單還款日由多個簡化為一個,讓您再無管理多個還款日的麻煩。 早日擺脫債務 如果您每月只支付信用卡賬單的最低付款額,便可能需要花很長的時間才能還清累積的餘額,實際情況視乎您的欠款額。如果您獲得利率低的私人貸款,不僅可以用來償還信用卡債務,還可以訂立還款計劃以還清貸款。例如,如果您的信用卡賬單還款期為六年,與其花六年還清信用卡,您可以選擇三年期的私人貸款,一次過還清卡數並在三年內償還所有貸款,讓您早日擺脫所有債務。   使用私人貸款償還信用卡債務的缺點   利率並非一定會很低   雖然金融機構可能以比信用卡低的利率提供私人貸款,但並非每個人都能獲得此好處。例如,如果客戶的信用記錄及評級不佳,便可能很難申請私人貸款或任何貸款。即使能夠獲得私人貸款,貸款利率亦可能會很高。   私人貸款可能會收取額外費用   不同金融機構及借方可能對私人貸款有不同的條款及細則。您可能需要支付額外費用,例如逾期還款費用、存款不足費用、初始費用等。建議您在申請貸款前查看任何此類費用。   可能對消費習慣無正面影響   雖然結餘轉戶貸款可以使管理信用卡債務變得更簡單,但這可能不會對個人的消費習慣產生正面影響。如果還清信用卡債務後,再度超支並且沒有按時支付賬單,債務只會變得更多。   結語   總而言之,如果您有高利率的信用卡債務,申請結餘轉戶貸款或是一個可行的選擇。您的私人貸款獲批後,您便可以還清債務,並輕鬆管理財務。但是,您用私人貸款還清信用卡債務後,或需要確保自己不會繼續累積更多的信用卡債務。   注意︰ 本文發表的意見、分析、評論或建議,僅代表個別編輯成員的立場,並未經任何第三方檢視、審批或認可。

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Engineered Advisory Enters the Metaverse

Press Release

New Metaverse Site Is Now Live, Unveiled at August 2 Conference   WEST PALM BEACH, FL – August 2, 2022 – Engineered Advisory (EA), the umbrella holding company of  Engineered Tax Services, Inc. (ETS), the country’s largest licensed tax credits […]

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Understanding Your Money Laundering Risks

Press Release

Money laundering is a major crime that comes with punishments. Organizations and businesses that are unaware of anti-money laundering regulations, may unintentionally find themselves caught in the middle of a criminal investigation. This is why every company needs to be […]

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Philadelphia-based law firm Newton, Udinson & Hill Makes Case for Client Accessibility Lawyer News

Press Release

PHILADELPHIA, PA / July 28, 2022 / With roots that run deep in the state of Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia-based law firm of Newton, Udinson & Hill has built a strong reputation for being accessible and winning cases for its clients. […]

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A Guide to the Property Valuation Tool Offered by Citibank

Press Release

Whether you’re planning to purchase a property or refinance an existing one for further investment, ascertaining its value can be helpful in planning your finances. To make this step easy, Citibank offers a free online property valuation tool that can […]

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4 Tips for Managing Your Mortgage

Press Release

A mortgage can help you fulfil your lifelong dream of owning a house. While the desire to fulfil your dream may be strong, the thought of repaying the mortgage amount may seem challenging. One of the reasons is – mortgages […]

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