We’re pleased to announce The HR Open Foundation, a non-profit corporation applying for 501c3 status under the US Tax Code. The Foundation’s mission will be to foster education within the global human resources technical community to improve career pathways and achieve better and more equitable employment outcomes. Through the Foundation we will be able to provide educational resources for the industry and promote learning in an international community.
“I’m excited the work we’ve done with HR Open Standards can be put into the global workforce to help educate technologists on the advantages of standards implementations.”
-Bon Idziak, President | HR Open Foundation
HR Open Foundation has its roots in the highly successful HR Open Standards Consortium, an industry, government, and employer organization launched in 1999 with a broad but achievable vision, to develop and promote a free suite of specifications to enable HR related data exchanges.
The development of this organization is being led by an impressive Board of Directors that include influential leaders:
For more information about HR Open Foundation, visit our website www.hropenfoundation.org.