For most of humanity’s time on the planet, we lived in collective tribes as hunters and gatherers. Every day we had to get up and find the food we needed to nourish ourselves and keep the tribe healthy and fed. There was no requirement to work from dusk to dawn and no endless commutes to fight our way through. We were in touch with the rhythms of nature and had time for song and dance and for social sharing when the days tasks were through.
Now, in today’s modern world, we’ve strapped on immense financial obligations and getting ahead is the path we practice and preach. Yet we have far less free time and much less opportunity for enjoying life than did our ancestors. In reality, we now exist so the rich can get richer and we are more like soon to be used up components of a machine than humans who are free to enjoy life. If you truly want freedom today you must step away from society’s instructions and commands and forge your own path. When you live this new way, you will truly be able to do what you want in life.
The high cost of living and the ever-increasing amount of debt are the chains that imprison us and keep us enslaved. It’s not easy to break those shackles, but it can be done. First, you must take steps to reduce and eliminate your debt. There are creative ways to restructure your loans and you should also get a side gig where you make extra money you can dedicate to paying off your loans and credit cards. If you are carrying a substantial debt burden in the form of college student loans you may want to consider student loan consolidation or refinancing. It’s possible to take all of your college loans, with their differing terms and interest rates, and consolidate them into a single student loan with one monthly payment. You can do some online research to see what your options are and learn about the best choices for you.
When you stop and think about how much you spend on housing each year, it’s pretty amazing. If you are in an expensive city you might even pay $3,500 a month for a one-bedroom apartment. Fortunately, there’s a way you can lower your costs dramatically and have a much better quality of life too. With many people working from home now, you can choose to leave expensive city living behind and move to some acreage in the country. In many places you can buy a 5-acre piece of land for not much money down and only a few hundred dollars a month. These land contracts make the cost of getting your own property very affordable.
Back in 1908, Sears started selling kit homes that could be delivered via rail and assembled on your site. Those homes had some 30,000 parts and weighed about 25 tons. Now, you can choose between alternative dwellings that give you the square footage you need and are extremely easy to set up. One new entry in the market is actually built in a shipping container and can be delivered by truck to your property. Once there it unfolds and within one day it is completely set up. It comes fully furnished, with all plumbing and electric wiring done. It instantly provides almost 400 square feet of living space for around $50,000. Best of all, the payment with monthly financing is a fraction of what you currently pay in rent.