One of the greatest things to do in your spare time is to take a vacation. It’s even better when you are traveling abroad and seeing all of the amazing countries the world has to offer. Sometimes, however, everyone won’t be able to make the trip or you just need some time alone. To some people, especially women it can seem scary or dangerous to travel to a foreign country alone. Luckily, we live in a world of technology that can be taken and used with us anywhere we go. There are some essentials that you can have right on your phone that can help your solo vacation seem less intimidating and less dangerous.
Text-to speech apps can come in handy when you need to communicate with people in the country of which you are traveling. Companies like Notevibes can help you talk to others or understand things that you can’t read in the country that you are in. How text-to-speech works are by you typing in what you need to say or words that you are trying to read and the software in the app will convert the words into an mp3 format and read it in whatever voice you choose. It’s a reassuring tool when you don’t know how to communicate when you need something or can’t say what you’re reading.
Similar to text-to-speech, translators help travelers communicate with natives in the country of which they are traveling also. There’s no scarier feeling than being somewhere and not being able to ask for what you need. Apps like Google Translator makes being in a foreign country feel a little bit easier. It’s easy to find a new word with ease. All you have to do is go into Google translator and type in the word or sentence that you need, whether it is being translated to English or translated to the other language, press enter and Google will translate it to what you need. Since it is on your phone you can even use the translator to practice words and phrases you may need on the plane or in the airport while you’re waiting. You never have to feel completely lost.
Currency value changes within several different countries and it can be confusing when you are used to the American dollar value and travel to different countries often. Some people aren’t aware of how much money they have when they reach their foreign destination. This can lead to people in other countries taking advantage of American travelers and cheating them out of their money. There are apps like Money Converter that helps you transfer the amount of money you have into the currency of that country or vice versa. With this on your phone, you never have to worry about being cheated out of your money.
One of the biggest anxieties of people traveling abroad, especially solo, is getting lost! There are always tools like Google maps or Maps on Ios but those maps require you to have data or be around Wifi. If you are exploring the country or on an excursion, there are often when you will end up in a location where service isn’t available. To keep you from panicking if you do get lost with no service apps like offer the comfort of being able to use a map and see where you are offline when you aren’t near service. Apps like these and the ones mentioned above will allow you to travel abroad peacefully with less anxiety and peace of mind while trying to relax.