According to data from the American Psychological Association (APA), stress is a huge issue in the United States. Its first survey in 2007 found that factors such as economic downturns and political conflict were among the main causes of stress. Fast forward over a decade, and one can add the effects of the global pandemic to the mix. Not to mention a growing concern over a new Civil War within the country.
The APA claims a mental health crisis with serious long-term repercussions is imminent. Moreover, a significant number of people living with stress use powerful opioids to try and combat their issues. These drugs are highly addictive and lead to an astonishing number of deaths via overdosing.
Fortunately, many people now view CBD gummies as a viable option. This is ‘fortunate’ because cannabidiol is non-intoxicating, non-addictive, and readily available. In this article, we look into the data outlining how CBD gummies could help alleviate stress. First, however, let’s analyze the problems caused by other medications.
The use of opioids throughout the U.S. is rampant. Opioids are a class of drugs often used to alleviate pain and anxiety. They cause sedation and are exceedingly addictive. A lot of people don’t realize that opioid use can increase stress and anxiety levels.
The drugs decrease your norepinephrine levels. This is important because norepinephrine is a hormone that controls blood pressure and alertness. Individuals with low norepinephrine levels could suffer side effects such as low blood pressure and drowsiness. Once opioids leave your system, your norepinephrine levels are no longer suppressed. Your brain releases a lot of hormones at once to bring your blood pressure and energy levels back to normal.
However, the result is withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, and jitteriness. If you use opioids regularly, your body may believe the sedation you feel is permanent. Consequently, it will compensate by producing excess levels of norepinephrine, causing you to feel nervous and anxious all the time.
First and foremost, CBD is not addictive. If you stop using cannabidiol suddenly, there is a far lower risk of your body reacting negatively since there should be no withdrawal symptoms to combat. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about feeling nervous simply because you stopped using the cannabinoid.
A very small percentage of users may experience side effects such as dizziness and anxiety from using CBD gummies. Yet, the available data shows that the cannabinoid is generally well tolerated by humans at doses of up to 1,500mg.
The rate of research surrounding CBD for various health issues, including stress and anxiety, has grown significantly.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), research shows CBD’s ability to reduce stress in animals. In these studies, the test subjects showed lower behavioral signs of anxiety. Moreover, physiological symptoms such as elevated heart rate also showed signs of improvement.
Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that CBD can help with various forms of anxiety, such as PTSD and SAD. One 2011 study looked into the effect of cannabidiol on individuals with SAD. The study’s participants received a placebo or 400mg of CBD. The individuals who consumed the cannabidiol reported decreased anxiety levels overall.
It is easy to find CBD gummies for sale online. Check out the CBD concentration before making a purchase. In general, brands include 25mg of CBD in their gummies. This is considered a ‘standard’ dose, although you may need to consume more or less. When trying the cannabinoid for the first time, begin with a smaller dose than you think you need. Gradually increase it over time until you’re happy with the effects.
As for when to take CBD gummies, it is entirely up to you! If you tend to feel stressed at work, take one in the morning before breakfast. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for the CBD to have an effect. As the cannabinoid doesn’t cause an intoxicating high, you shouldn’t get into trouble at work. However, it may be best not to advertise your usage of CBD to your manager!
Take a CBD gummy a couple of hours before bed if you plan to wind down. Its relaxing effects may help you sleep a little easier than usual.
Ultimately, a staggering number of people are beginning to see the benefits of CBD gummies for alleviating stress. Try them today to see what the cannabinoid can do for you.