The last thing any home or business owner wants to deal with is pests. While some pests, like spiders or potato bugs are relatively harmless – more nuanced than danger; others – like mice and rats, pose real harm. For property owners, if the specific threat isn’t identified and dealt with immediately, there are several risks: Immediate destruction to property. Spread of disease and germs. Risk of nesting and breeding. Unfortunately, traditional pest control approaches might not prevent those risks.
Doing The Basics
Ideally, you’d like to use the most effective method for keeping unwanted pests and rodents at bay, and that’s using the latest AI pest control approach. A good start, however, to keeping your home or business pest-free, is by doing the basics:
– Make sure all entry points into the property, such as windows, doors, and ventilation points, provide no access to pests. This may be easier to accomplish when dealing with large pests, such as mice and rats. However, even ensuring airtight insulation and molding, around doors and windows, can limit entry of smaller creatures, such as roaches and centipedes
– Store pest magnets, like bird seed, grass, and pet food, in airtight containers to prevent smells and odors. These scents attract pests, and they will enter the property by following scent trails
– Digital pest control solutions help identify pests that sneak indoors. However, if you don’t yet have such a deterrent, its good practice to not leave unscreened doors, windows or garage doors open for too long. Mice, cockroaches and bugs will quickly crawl into the open spaces in search of warmth or a place to nest
– If you store garbage outdoors, or in the garage, make sure you always fasten the lids of your bins each time you deposit loads of garbage into them
Taking the above precautions is a good way to reduce the number and severity of pest infestations. However, some pests, such as rats and mice, are extremely intelligent creatures. The basics, outlined above, may help deal with some types of vermin. But if you want higher levels of protection, then you should consider more effective forms of deterrence.
Using Intelligence Against Pests
There’s a common misconception that, because they are relatively small, bugs and insects are “dumb”. However, research shows that common indoor pests, like the cockroach, for example, possess remarkable intelligence during evenings (night). And that’s the time they’re the most active indoors, be it in homes, offices, factories, or warehouses.
The same holds true for other pests, including rats and mice, who are extremely clever at understanding and learning new concepts, and using that knowledge to adapt their lifestyles. They even learn to evade and avoid traditional baits and traps. The only way to confront such intelligence, is through AI powered pest control.
Fighting pests requires specific knowledge about the type of pest you are dealing with. Unfortunately, without proper knowledge and training, it’s hard to pinpoint what type of insect or rodent is causing the issue. Using AI pest control, facial recognition algorithms, from cloud-based software, scan and quickly identify the nature of the threat, and then alert pest management professionals.