Today’s work makes us sit a lot and be more lazier. Therefore, if you do not have a proper exercise plan, it will cause fat to accumulate in many places such as abdomen, thighs, etc. One method that many families choose to overcome this is that practice with the electric treadmill at home. When exercising with the electric treadmill, you should incorporate other additional exercises to make the practice more effective. Here Elipsport Vietnam Sports Group would like to share with you 5 exercises to support body fat loss with an electric treadmill you can do at home and do not take too much time. Buy electric treadmill at: May chay bo dien.
Today, improving physique and health is not only the trend of women but also men actively practice to have a standard body and an enduring health. However, due to diet and activities, we often have to deal with overweight, obesity, fatigue …
Every day training with Elipsport’s versatile electric treadmill is a great solution for every family and extremely convenient to help firm muscles, strong bones and joints and most importantly, burn fat. But not all of us know how to utilize all the different functions supported on the electric treadmill such as crunching, massage, waist rotation … Supporting exercises are integrated with the electric treadmill line Current advanced will support weight loss and dissolve excess fat all over the body such as abdomen, thighs.…, and will definitely bring a surprising effect on your physique. Here, let Kingsport learn about each specific exercise that you can refer to in your exercise program.
Most of Elipsport’s multi-purpose electric treadmill products are integrated with massage belts for the body to support weight loss exercises or post-workout relaxation. Usually, the most appropriate time to use the massage vibrating belt is after the jogging process ends, to help the muscles relax, assisting in reducing excess fat. You should create posture to make the belt of the machine always have a certain tension to create great vibrations for high efficiency. With changing belt position, you can practice in any part like the belly, butt, thighs, and waist that you want.
With the versatile ELIP treadmill series equipped which have many smart features such as automatic ramp mode, you can easily do all complex terrain exercises from running on flat tracks to climbing slopes and terrain. You increase endurance, motivate yourself to be more effective. The exercises are simulated to match the terrain in the field so even running with the machine still gives the feeling like running in outdoor space to inspire and improve training performance.
In addition to the function of running, walking, the electric treadmill also integrates an additional waist disc to improve a slimmer waistline. With only 1 device, you have a lot of suitable exercises that are just as effective as outdoor workouts. With waist rotation, you maintain an upright position, hands-on thigh, relax your hand, put your hands on the nape, right rotation movement, left rotation of waist and thigh, legs to let the disc rotate. This will impact most directly on the waist and buttocks. Also, you can both rotate your waist and combine with weight training to increase the efficiency of your training process.
Support the process of slim down the waist area to melt excess fat with the belly flex bar built into the machine. The first step is to put your feet on the belly flex bar in front, your buttocks on the electric treadmill conveyor and your hands behind the nape. Then, slowly lower your torso until the upper body is close to the conveyor belt. Note, the body must not touch the conveyor belt, the legs are still outstretched only from the abdomen upwards. Exercises with the crunch bar will help you burn fat on the abdomen, thighs quickly.
Normally, Elipsport’s multi-purpose electric electric treadmills will incorporate dumbbells so that the practitioner can lift weights in place while sitting or standing. With simple exercises with hand weights will help us train firmer and stronger hand muscles.
Thus, we can see that the integrated exercises on the electric electric treadmill also bring many great effects on your health and physique and above all, combining these exercises will help the process. Your workouts don’t get boring. So, right now buy an Elipsport electric electric treadmill for you and your family to practice for 15-30 minutes every day!
Find out more about Elipsport Vietnam’s other electric treadmill lineups right here!