In 2019 we asked our dedicated team of volunteer reviewers to revisit and review the LTC4 Learning Plans to ensure that they still meet the requirements of law firms, corporate legal departments and law schools in 2020.
Today we announce the result of their hard work over the past several months…a new set of 9 ready-to-use Learning Plans which can be purchased individually or in packages ( and used to structure really meaningful training programmes which can lead to the global industry standard LTC4 Certifications for Legal Professionals & for Legal Support Specialists. Our existing network across the world will automatically have access to the new Plans and to Certification.
LTC4 Learning Plans were developed by legal IT training professionals working within law firms across the world to provide the most relevant, workflow-based way to improve skills regardless of the software used.
LTC4 Certification proves competence with technology at a time when all Legal Professionals are expected to efficiently use the technology on their desktop/laptop/tablet and to avoid risk.
The new Plans are: